A Sound of My Own
At the age of eleven, Marja first appeared on stage with legendary German Krautrock collective Embryo. Today, she’s the one who keeps the band alive, taking over headline duties from her late father, Christian Burchard who once founded the band in 1969. Mastering numerous instruments, composing songs, experimenting with sounds of all kind, Marja lives within the music. But does freedom only exist beyond your own parents’ legacy? Surrounded by boxes of unlabeled tapes, Marja digs through what her father left behind, making space for herself. A SOUND OF MY OWN delves into a reality of tones and timbres, gradually losing itself in the music. Carefully arranged, images and sounds from both past and present merge into a composition of their own. If everything is music––can’t film be music, too?
Image © Rebecca Zehr